In response to COVID-19 and the unprecedented impact on our lives, AIM has put in place measures to enable business continuity, ensure the ongoing support of our clients, and protect the health and safety of both clients and staff.
Seldom does one feel that they are living through a truly historical event as we are experiencing today. Rarely has the world come together as one to combat an invisible enemy. This invisible enemy knows no borders, politics, wealth, or theology. During this outbreak AIM remains committed to the health and safety of our co-workers and families. We hope that you are staying safe and healthy during these trying times.
Primarily, our hearts go out to all those impacted by this tragic outbreak. As this pandemic continues to evolve we’re all reminded how quickly our lives can change. However, we have also learned how quickly we can adapt and overcome. Challenging times still lay ahead but together, we can beat this and come out stronger than ever.
AIM Remains Committed to Our Team
Because of the shelter-in-place orders, lockdowns, and quarantines we have made significant changes to how we work and interact. In mid-March AIM made the decision to transition our team to work remotely. We’ve established new norms for working collaboratively and remaining connected. With the help of our IT group, we were able to make this transition efficiently and with no impact to our capabilities.
This transition has taught us how we can adapt as a company and remain effective while ensuring health and safety. As we continue to adjust to these changing times, we must strive to treat each other with empathy and compassion. Adjusting to a work-from-home, stay-at-home world, we face new challenges from extra childcare needs, disrupted education, and changes to how we socialize. Despite the unimaginable hardships in these uncertain times, the entire AIM team has come together and has made this transition as easy and painless as possible. To our team, we say: Thank You!
AIM Remains Committed to Our Clients
And we know our clients are counting on us; now more than ever during this crisis. We have seen an extreme increase in our application usage as people have gone online for their shopping needs. We understand that many are relying on our systems to provide critical business functionality during this time. To that end we want to ensure our clients and their customers that AIM is committed to assisting you:
- AIM has enacted a work from home policy. We have ensured that we are able to accomplish all work remotely and securely during this time.
- We’re working to provide additional off-hours support as needed for our clients.
- We are reviewing our disaster recovery plans and business continuity procedures to ensure business and service remain uninterrupted.
- Our team remains committed to our clients’ needs during these times: we commit to continue growing our business relationships with our partners, we will continue to respond to support tickets in a timely manner and continue working with our clients as usual in a remote setting.
While we may forego face-to-face meetings for the foreseeable future to protect both your team and ours, we remain accessible and connected via video conference, phone and email.
Committed to the Fight
To win this fight against COVID-19 we must all work together on a global scale. As a company based in New York State we have felt the impact of this tragedy firsthand. We understand that this will be a long fight and will require involvement from all of us.
Therefore, AIM and our business partner, Interim Innovations, together are committed to assisting both State and the Federal Governments in any way possible. AIM has offered professional services and our existing platforms that could help in improving resource allocation of healthcare workers and supplies. In addition, we’re investigating how our knowledge in logistics and shipping can be leveraged to ensure healthcare supplies are delivered quickly and efficiently to areas that need them most.
At AIM we are committed to our team, our clients and our community; now more than ever during these demanding times. We know this will be a long fight with many twists come. AIM is continuing to evolve to meet whatever challenges await. In a time when it seems, we are so physically separated, it is critical that we come together as a team, a global force to combat this pandemic. Hard times lay ahead for us all, but together we are stronger, together we will get back to a normal way of life.
Always Committed to You,
The AIM Management Team